Health. Sally T thoughts

Health is aiming and striving for our bodies to be the best they can be, physically, emotionally and mentally.

It is a life long journey but we owe it to ourselves and our families to broaden our world views and put effort in where possible within our capabilities. Results and changes can be tangible in a very short time frame and it is our best long term personal health insurance.

Our bodies have been designed to function in very particular and precise ways and one intervention affects a multitude of others. For many of us being conscious of looking after our bodies began later on in life. SO if you are young – start NOW.

Giving ourselves the best nutrition and healthiest lifestyle is the best insurance policy long term and also gives us the greatest chance for living an energy driven fun life – exciting adventures, mentally stimulating trips, finishing those goals, learning more and giving life the best we have got.

The working of the body is a continual fascination. Just when we think we understand one little section – we learn so much more. The basic concepts stay the same. Give top quality nutrition, nutritional supplementation (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fats etc); exercise – our bodies are made to move – choose what best works for you; sleep – good quality sleep (this is where the body rejuvenates itself); stress awareness and management; stress is here to stay – it is part of life; cut out the junk foods; reduce the processed foods – select carefully; reduce toxins (which are all around us); have fun – laugh and enjoy life.

The working of the body is a continual fascination. Just when we think we understand one little section – we learn so much more. The basic concepts stay the same. Give top quality nutrition, nutritional supplementation (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fats etc); exercise – our bodies are made to move – choose what best works for you; sleep – good quality sleep (this is where the body rejuvenates itself); stress awareness and management; stress is here to stay – it is part of life; cut out the junk foods; reduce the processed foods – select carefully; reduce toxins (which are all around us); have fun – laugh and enjoy life.