The majority of diets in the West are low in potassium. These levels need to be increased and 4 g/ day is recommended. A similar issues applies to Magnesium as soils are low and requirements high. Magnesium must also be supplemented.
Vit D-3 is known to be low in populations these days and it is recommended to increase this intake as well.
HT medications can often cause side affects which can acerbate the situation. Diuretics are often given which cause electrolyte issues and can leach out potassium and further as well as magnesum. ACE inhibitors (Calcium channel blockers) are also often used which can also cause side effects.
Nitric oxide also helps lower BP as it is a vasodilator. (some folk genetically have decreased metabolism to make nitric oxide – this can be tested).
⦁ L-Arginine (an amino acid) will help you to make more nitric oxide.
⦁ Garlic will also do this.
⦁ Celery – has a couple of powerful phytonutrients that can help lower BP and reduce adrenaline – so it helps you to sleep.
⦁ Vit E can also assist in lowering BP.
Supplements to consider:
⦁ Magnesium Complex: essential to stabilize the metabolic processes
⦁ Stress Less: support adrenal glands and metabolic functions
⦁ Co-enzyme Q-10 : known to stabilize BP levels
⦁ L-Arginine: to increase nitric oxide levels.
⦁ Vit D-3:
⦁ Vit E:
⦁ Potassium – SallyT product to be launched soon