Sally T. Transforms

First step. Taking ownership of our bodies and health.

How we are feeling is our responsibility. Not a medical therapist, our families, governments or external factors. This mindset shift is the beginning of the road to wellness. A lifelong journey.

Nutrition and lifestyle practices we can control and it is the cornerstone and foundation to all functions of our bodies. If neglected there is a gradual down spiral to our quality of life. In some cases small tweaks only are necessary and in other instances a major overhaul is needed – like our cars going for a major service. Whatever is required is worth the Time, Energy and Money.

Our fast- paced lives today drain our bodies more than we realize. Staying on top of our game for our work, studying, sports, business, and health requires us to aim for optimum body functioning. It is more difficult than ever. This is the only body we have.

So what’s the fuss??

Right – so let’s get started.

Well How Well am I? This often depends on individual perceptions to health. What standards of well being are personally important.
Starting to recognize that intervention is required is the entry level to the Road to Wellness
Once we realize that we need to be proactive we can move forward

Take a simple quick health check on the website. This will highlight if there are some issues that need improvement.
Realizing that our health can be improved upon is easy for some. They are in tune with their bodies and can quickly identify when health is not going as well as it could be. For others this is a lot more difficult. Their body is there to serve them and only when it grinds to a halt do they realise that things are not what they should be. What are you like?

Energy Level Evaluation

Lets check your energy levels!

Energy is vital to the efficient functioning of our bodies. We are often not even aware that our bodies are operating below par. We get used to living with poor energy levels. Tell Sally T. if…

Threshold for Concern: If you get a score of 12 or more in this section, it is advisable to assess how energy levels can be optimized. If further input required contact SallyT for assistance.

Statement Never Sometimes Not Sure Often Always Rating
Energy is never constant throughout the day. It oscillates - up and down.
Feel tired when awaking and not refreshed and not able to cope well with daily routines.
Experience food cravings - wanting something sweet or savoury, perpetual hunger, shakiness.
There are concentration issues, mood swings - from crying to anger. Mind goes blank.
Do you feel shattered at the end of the day?
Do you battle to concentrate?
Have mood swings – from crying to anger?
Does your mind go blank?
Total Rating: 0
Suggestions from Sally T.
Immune System Health Evaluation

Check Your Gut Health!

The gut is where a lot of our health begins and is our first line of defence. Taking care that our digestion is working well can ensure we have good health. Do you feel…

Threshold for Concern: If you get a score of 12 or more in this section, you may need extra assistance from Sally T. to optimise your chances of success.

Statement Never Sometimes Not Sure Often Always Rating
Bloated and heavy after eating? Reflux, heartburn, bad breath and burping?
Constipated and / or have diarrhea issues?
Been diagnosed with a spastic colon and/or I.B.S?
Total Rating: 0

Suggestion from Sally T: Digestive issues are not normal and need to be sorted. This can be done. Gut health is critical to health. In some instances, certain foods need to be omitted temporarily. This is a personal individual choice. Wheat, wheat produces and dairy are the common two. Cutting out junk foods is recommended.

Supplements to consider:
Stress and Health Evaluation

Check your stress impact on health!

Our bodies are not designed to handle ongoing or chronic stress. Continuing stress has an extremely negative effect on our health. Do you feel…

Threshold for Concern: If you get a score of 21 or more in this section, you may need extra assistance from Sally T. to optimise your chances of success.

Statement Never Sometimes Not Sure Often Always Rating
Constantly uptight and on edge.
Exhausted at the end of the day.
Brain spinning when trying to sleep?
Do you break into a sweat, develop a dry mouth or have an accelerated heart rate when under pressure?
Feels as though about to snap
Feels as though about to snap
Constantly in overload
Total Rating: 0

Suggestion from Sally T: Good stress support is essential. Take stock of your stress levels and consider:

Did you know that if stress levels are too high, weight loss becomes extremely difficult? Managing stress effectively is key to achieving a healthy balance and well-being.

Sleep Health Evaluation

Check your sleep!

Did you know that while sleeping, some functions of the body & brain are more active than when awake? Sleep literally recharges our body and brain.

Threshold for Concern: If you get a score of 6 or more in this section, you may need extra assistance from Sally T. to optimise your chances of success.

Statement Never Sometimes Not Sure Often Always Rating
Battling to fall asleep - uptight - brain spinning. Sleep is broken and/or restless. Wake feeling exhausted. Don't sleep enough
Do you manage to have 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night?
Total Rating: 0

Suggestion from Sally T: Ensure that your blood sugar levels are stable throughout the day. We need to be conscious of what we eat from the start of the day. When waking, choose foods wisely balancing proteins and complex carbs to stabilize blood sugar. The following products can be used as meals or snacks:

Supplements that can be of assistance are the following:

Taking the correct supplements for you makes a difference.

Weight Management Evaluation

Check Your Weight Management Impact on Health!

It is not just about looking good. Excess weight robs us of energy and zest for life. It affects chronic diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure which can often be avoided.

Threshold for Concern: If you get a score of 9 or more in this section, you may need extra assistance from Sally T. to optimise your chances of success.

Statement Never Sometimes Not Sure Often Always Rating
Weight control is an issue. The fat does not budge.
Have tried numerous diets without sustainable success.
Battling to gain weight.
Total Rating: 0

Suggestion from Sally T: Believe it or not - we can all lose weight. For some, it's more difficult than for others, but it can be done. Even wiser is to address the issue when there are small weight changes. Once we are hugely overweight, the dynamics change, and the issue becomes more complex combined with increased health risks.

Addressing these factors can significantly help in managing your weight effectively.

Mental Health Evaluation

Check Your Moods!

Many people suffer on a daily basis with chronic problems related to moods, anxiety, and depression. Often they do so in silence. There is no need to. Help is here with Sally T. Do you …

Threshold for Concern: If you get a score of 15 or more in this section, you may need extra assistance from Sally T. to optimise your chances of success.

Statement Never Sometimes Not Sure Often Always Rating
Experience panic attacks; racing heart, palpitations, chest pain, lightheadedness, difficulty breathing etc.
Have an addiction to caffeine, sugar, alcohol, drugs, stimulants, pornography.
Binge eat and/or are you a compulsive eater?
Do you often feel flat and down?
Feel as though life is just too much?
Total Rating: 0
Suggestion from Sally T: There are a multitude of different reasons why our moods are unstable or crash. Always look at the simplest things first. Here is a quick checklist:

To assist with these issues, there are supplements and Amino Acids that can help.

Aging Signs Evaluation

Fortifying Your Immune Power!

Our immune systems are complex. It is important to support them. They assist the body in fighting infections and other diseases. It is made up of many biological structures and processes which protect the body against disease.

Threshold for Concern: If you get a score of 18 or more in this section, you may need extra assistance from Sally T. to optimise your chances of success.

Statement Never Sometimes Not Sure Often Always Rating
Never feel physically 100 %
Often get sick or have flu
Antibiotics often required
Often need a Dr as not feeling well.
Food intolerances an issue.
Food intolerances an issue.
Total Rating: 0

Suggestion from Sally T: There are a multitude of different reasons for a poor immune system.

Points to consider:
  • Stress control, sufficient sleep, and address exhaustion
  • Check foods avoided that cause allergies and/or food intolerances (even if temporarily)
  • Gut health – essential – use SallyT. ProFlora Forte and SallyT. L-Glutamine.
Other supplements that are beneficial are:
Aging Signs Evaluation

Embrace the Joy in Growing Older!

Our hormones start changing in our 30’s. The more optimum our nutritional status the better these processes are handled. As the next stage in our life cycle approaches – changes become more evident. Depending on a person’s life experiences and nutritional history symptoms can be profound or hardly noticed. Around 50 years of age, certain signs of the next life cycle occur. Each sex exhibits its own distinctive signs of change. These need not be crippling.

Threshold for Concern: If you get a score of 6 or more in this section, you may need extra assistance from Sally T. to optimise your chances of success.

Statement Never Sometimes Not Sure Often Always Rating
Ladies, menopause; hot flushes, poor sleep, weight gain, facial hair, mood swings, low sex drive and exhaustion are issues.
Gentlemen, andropause; weight gain, hair loss, decrease in libido, fatigue, depression are issues.
Total Rating: 0

Suggestion from Sally T: Balanced hormones keep our bodies functioning at peak performance. This is critical for a fulfilling life. Our hormones are the 'balancing' powerhouses of our bodies. Keeping them in balance is critical and a lifelong journey. Our hormones change through the different stages of life. It is especially important to have blood tests done to accurately assess and balance the hormonal profile.

Stress is directly linked to our hormonal cascade. Keeping a handle on how life’s issues are addressed is the first step in hormonal control.

Sleep: Good quality sleep is a baseline for long-term good health.

Nutritional supplement boost:

Eat wisely for blood sugar control: See previous notes.

Weight control: Address weight gain – it can be done.

Exercise: One of the best anti-aging remedies. And freely available.

Menstrual Cycle Health Evaluation

Does your Menstrual Cycle Impact your life?

This should be a non event. For some women, their monthly cycle goes unnoticed. For others it can control and wreck havoc in their lives, relationships, work performance and general health. In many instances nutritional supplements and food changes can be a game changer. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are the three hormones that are most often out of balance in women. The are made by your ovaries and in much smaller amounts, by your adrenal glands (They are also called steroid hormones or sex hormones) Simplified graph of normal hormonal changes during the month.

Menstrual Graph

Threshold for Concern: If you get a score of 18 or more in this section, you may need extra assistance from Sally T. to optimise your health

Statement Never Sometimes Not Sure Often Always Rating
Food cravings before your period?
Tender breasts and water retention
Excessive pain
Depression or mood changes
Are you irregular
Total Rating: 0

Suggestion from Sally T:

People are not aware that PMS is not a normal scenario and we were not designed to 'suffer' every month. Consider the following:

Balance blood sugar:
  • First line of attack. Combine complex carbs and proteins throughout the day
  • Blood sugar levels tend to dive a week before a period if hormones out of balance.
  • This makes weight stabilization difficult as the weight lost during the month is often regained at this time.
Nutritional supplementation: Hormonal fine tuning:
  • Estrogen dominance could be a factor.
  • If still issues after addressing the blood sugar and adding nutritional supplementation then:
  • Try Bioidentical transdermal Natural Progesterone with the assistance of a Functional Medical Practitioner.
Book a Consultation

Points to consider: You are unique. Genetically there is no one else like you!! Not even your identical twin (if you have one). From the moment of conception, nutritional, genetic, biochemical and environmental factors that you are exposed to create us who we are.

Sally T. methodology takes this individuality very much into account.

You can experience your optimum health. Getting to the point where, when after a good night’s sleep you wake up feeling refreshed, energised and ready to take on the challenges of the day is achievable.

Making changes is tough and can be overwhelming.

Sally T. methodology takes this individuality very much into account. Besides you are seen as a whole person one part of our bodies hugely affects another. Symptoms are interrelated. At Sally T. these concepts are embraced. Suggested intervention highlights that which would best suite your genetic makeup, lifestyle and finances.

You can experience your optimum health. Getting to the point where, when after a good night’s sleep you wake up feeling refreshed, energised and ready to take on the challenges of the day is achievable.

Making changes can be overwhelming.
Initially is suggested that the main problem areas be target first with food changes and supplementation. Longer term goals can then be addressed thereafter.

Take one step at a time.
Be kind to yourself. Health issues can be the result of physical or psychological difficulties or even trauma.

Our Brains. The power house. This is often overlooked and a whole section will be dedicated to the brain. It is vital for on going vitality and wellness.
There is an intricate relationship between our physical and mental health. Believe it or not but even the state of your gut has repercussions on the state of your mind. Some neurotransmitters needed for optimum brain function are manufactured in your gut. Brain neurotransmitters mainly derived from proteins are the powerhouses for brain functioning. Balancing our neurotransmitters is an intricate process. It affects our moods, brain performance, energy, emotions, personality and sleep.

So It all starts with making the decision to change. This means being proactive in the choices we make. Choosing foods and nutritional supplements wisely is a lifestyle game changer. Energy levels are enhanced, overall health and well being improve. It is one of the most effective anti-aging factors. The base line to health and well-being is what we eat and what we pop into our mouths.

Why should we bother? All this effort …. And nutrition …. I like eating what I do …… Wise choices are worth it !!